Food from the Hill

A London food fanatic, living on Telegraph Hill

Crema Catalana - before it's sugar topping

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Crema Catalana

A Monday night dinner party?  What was I thinking?! … part two

The casserole was cooked, now all I had to do was sort out the pud.  Crema Catalana – unctuous, rich and so so good – Viva Espana!

Ingredients to make enough to serve 6 people who’ve just eaten Smoky Pork, Chorizo and Butter Beans:

  • 6 medium free range egg yolks (freeze the whites and use later for meringues)
  • 150g granulated sugar
  • 500 ml whole milk
  • 250 ml double cream
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 3 shavings of lemon peel
  • 4 tablespoons cornflour
  • A little extra milk to mix the cornflour
  • 50g granulated sugar for the burnt sugar topping

Now put the apron on and start by …

  1. Beating the egg yolks until pale and creamy.
  2. Add the 150g sugar, a third at a time and continue to beat until pale, light and creamy
  3. Very gently heat the milk, cream, cinnamon and lemon peel until boiling.
  4. Remove the cinnamon stick and lemon peel and whisk the milk and cream into the beaten eggs and sugar.
  5. Dissolve the cornflour with a little extra milk and stir into the mixture.
  6. Pass the mixture through a sieve and back into a saucepan.
  7. Cook over a low heat and cook, stirring constantly until it begins to boil.  Simmer for a few minutes to cook out any taste of flour.
  8. Divide the mixture equally between 6 ramekins and chill well.
  9. Once chilled, top each Crema Catalan with a little sugar on top and caramelize it by placing under a hot grill briefly until the sugar melts and turns brown.
  10. Chill again and serve on it’s own – it’s delicious and really doesn’t need any accompaniment.

Tuck in and enjoy!